Sunday, January 9, 2011

On songs from movies

It seems like soundtracks aren't what they used to be.  Back in the day movies used to have fantastic songs and albums full of music inspired by the motion picture.  Nowadays, that seems to be exclusive to musicals and Glee.  Even Disney, outside of having a friend in Randy Newman or being in Phil Collins' heart, no major "Under the Sea" type songs have come from a Disney movie in ages. 
Hence, I intend to pay tribute to the long lost golden age of music in cinema by regularly (until I don't want to anymore) writing about the tunes that made the movies/often eclipsed the movies.

The first entry is Boyz II Men's "End of the Road" from the Eddie Murphy "classic" Boomerang.  What that movie was about, I'm not quite sure, though I think it involved Eddie Murphy being a gigolo in Australia.  What I do remember is this slow jam classic which broke the record for the most consecutive weeks as the #1 song on the Billboard charts.  I remember feeling personally invested in the record run, listening to the countdown weekly and cheering every week it was still at the top.  I'm not sure where this investment came from.  Though I'm sure the Boyz II Men poster I had in my room helped.

So here's to you Boyz II Men.  Hopefully wherever you are now, you don't need roads.

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