Saturday, January 1, 2011

On the purpose of this blog.

Well this would be resolution #1, and as such, will likely last 2 weeks.  For now though, I will revel in the fact that a mere one day into 2011 my resolution to find more productive ways of procrastinating has come to fruition.  Sure, I could be working on my thesis but who needs that fancy book learnin' writin' when I can blog!
In my undergraduate days I wrote for the Fordham student run paper.  I stuck to what I know, articles about wrestling and pop culture.  That was a great experience as it allowed me to write non-academically which is actually quite liberating.  I'm assuming that this venture into the blogosphere will be similar except even less people will read this (thanks Justin!).
For now, I hope this will be the first of, at the very least, a semester's worth of posts as I'm convinced that if I close my eyes hard enough, the thesis will indeed write itself.

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